Atlantic City Blackjack

Blackjack is one game which has the largest amount of variations to be found in both online as well as land based casinos. The game has been played since centuries and since then the original rules have remained much the same.

However, today there are plenty of different variations which are offered to players who are looking for a something little extra from their game, Atlantic City Blackjack is just one of them.

Atlantic City Blackjack

The Atlantic City Blackjack is one of the many variations of blackjack which can be found today. There are single hand as well as multi hand variations available within this game. Both of these variations again have similar strategies as well as rules. The game is found in several casinos in the Atlantic City and thus the name.

Atlantic City Blackjack rules

The rules of this game are quite similar to the original blackjack. However, there are slight but important changes in the main rules.

  • The first thing to be noticed is that the Atlantic City blackjack is played with 8 regular deck of cards.
  • Also, it is an American hole card game. What this means is that while in European Blackjack the dealer only has one card at the start of the game, in Atlantic City the dealer has two cards.
  • What this would imply is that in European Blackjack the dealer cannot check for a blackjack while in Atlantic City version the dealer can check to see if he/she has a blackjack.
  • If the dealer has a blackjack it would mean that the game would be over instantly for the player. For this reason, in Atlantic City blackjack the player has a chance of not losing too much money.

The other rules of the game are as listed below:

  • The dealer will peek on cards with a value of 10 and aces.
  • The game is played with eight decks of cards.
  • The dealer will always stand on 17
  • The player can double down on any 2 cards
  • The player can also double down after a split
  • The player can split for a total 3 times to make four hands
  • The aces can only be split one time
  • Only one card would be dealt when aces are split
  • The split ace along with a 10 would not be counted as a blackjack
  • Players are given the option of late surrender.


In Atlantic City Blackjack, the strategy for single hand as well as multi hand remains much the same. There are several strategy cards which can be found on the internet today which give the players a very good idea on how to maximize their profits in the game.

However, the strategy cards are only a guide on the game and not a guarantee for winning every single hand. The cards are all usually mathematically derived and present the odds of hitting the cards. However, in the long runs the strategy does work and the profits would always be better.

Blackjack Variations

Blackjack Variations

It is exciting to play blackjack online though sometimes you want to try something new of course: different blackjack variations given here and at will help to solve this problem for every gambler.

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Basic Rules

The rules of blackjack card game are not difficult to remember and follow, but every gambler should understand the importance of knowing them: card values, payouts, options to choose during the game.

Basic Strategies

Blackjack is the game of skills and mathematics, that is why it is possible to beat it using various strategies. Learn the main aspects of basic blackjack strategy to increase your chances for winning.

Blackjack Variations

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Online Variations

Online blackjack is amongst the most popular casino games today; if you consider yourself being a real intercasino blackjack admirer you'll be interested in learning all secrets of online blackjack and its games.